The Biggest Photography Mistakes You Can Make

Lauren (QUESTION): What are some of the biggest photography mistakes you see photographers making, both business-wise and skill-wise? Phillip Van Nostrand (ANSWER): I think a big waste of time that I see people doing is playing around with edits a lot, trying vignetting, or vintage edits, playing with contrast, etc. I kinda wish someone had told me to […]

Wedding Vendor Relationships

Wedding Vendor Relationships DENISE (QUESTIONS): Do you provide all your vendors with images? Do they refer you out? PHILLIP VAN NOSTRAND (ANSWER): I do usually provide my vendors with images, but in the past my main source of referrals has been from brides and grooms (and sometimes their mothers). I think this is due to my personality type and […]

Interior Photography

Interior Photography SHANNON (QUESTION):  Hi rockstar!  I recently accepted a job doing interior photography.  I will be photographing kitchens for a local cabinet maker.  As I mainly photograph people (and mostly outdoors), I wanted to see if you have any tips for interior photography.  I will probably be using my 17-55mm 2.8 lens as my other lenses […]

Upgrading your Camera

Upgrading Your Camera JOHNNY (QUESTION): Alright, question time. If I were going to start saving for a new camera that would be more on the professional end, what would you recommend for upgrading your camera? PHILLIP VAN NOSTRAND (RESPONSE): What do you have now? JOHNNY (RESPONSE): Nikon D80. I was thinking about switching to Canon. I know the […]