Thanks again for coming down and taking shots of Cohen. The few we seen so far are awesome. I’m wondering if you can tell me what that thing is called that you used to block/add light. Also, if there was a resource (webpage or book) that you would recommend.
Hey Johnny! Here is a link to that reflector:
It’s an awesome tool, and this one comes with five parts to it. A silver/black side, a gold/white side, and a scrim in the middle. I personally love using the white reflector side for soft portraits, and silver reflector for harsher fashion portraits.
And this guy has a wealth of resources for taking cool shots:
Another great resource for photo tips, reviews, and business related information is an awesome website called Digital Photography School. If you sign up for their newsletter you will get relevant tips every day.]

$$$ Tip:
These reflectors are invaluable to have in your arsenal, and they are under $20 on Amazon! Bring a friend or a budding photographer along on your shoot and have them hold the reflector. It makes you look professional, it’s cheap, and it highly enhances your photos. Then you can charge more for your services because you are adding value.