Buying a Camera
I’m really into photography and want to get into the field of photography and become a photographer one day. I was hoping you could tell me about a great camera I can purchase. I feel that I’m ready to actually hold a camera of mine and get out there and make special moments with just a click of a button. You inspired me a lot and I give you and thanks for everything you have helped us out with. I hope you will be able to respond back.
Love, Damaris
Nice to hear from you, Damaris! Thanks for saying hi and writing to me. I’ll tell you a secret about buying a camera: I buy ALL of my gear (cameras, lenses, computers, camera bag, etc) used on Craigslist. If you are buying a camera for the very first time, a Canon Rebel is a great first camera, and you can search for that on Craigslist. I don’t know how much you have to spend, but you can find a decent Canon Rebel for around $200-500 on Craigslist. The nice thing about Craigslist is you can try out the equipment in person, before you buy it. Bring along a friend who knows something about cameras to help you out if you are unsure about anything.
I love that you want to “get out there and make special moments with just a click of a button!” That should be your tagline. Talk to you soon- Don’t be afraid to ask me any questions at all, ever.

Pro tip: Search in a major city near you. Search daily. Great deals come to those who wait.
$$$ TIP:
If you are smart about your purchases, you can save yourself literally thousands of dollars when starting up your business, especially when it comes to buying a camera. I have a mentor whose biggest regret when starting his photography business was going into debt at the beginning by purchasing a ton of new equipment he thought he needed.
Hi Phil!
I have enjoyed following your blog and love your pictures. I actually have recommended your blog to a few pro photographer friends. Here’s a follow up question… I have the Canon Rebel with the original kit lens. I am looking to upgrade to a better all around lens without breaking the bank. Have any suggestions?
Annie (Bower) Bruintjes
Hi Annie!! Long time no talk! Thanks so much for your kind words. I’ll follow up with your question on the next blog post!
Hi Phil!!
How did you pick your niche??
Portraits vs weddings vs wildlife vs nature…. It’s so hard to decide where to focus ( no pun intended!) my client base and where I want to broaden and deepen my photography. Any suggestions?? Also, what about branding myself- or having a catch phrase? You know, Phil, make myself stand out yet be professional.
Also, great ideas about Craigslist but I just bought a Nikon D750 with a 24-120mm lens and a 40mm prime lens.
I wanted new, recent, and something I can learn and grow with. Starting to play around with it more. Love the lighting shots I’m getting!!
Hope to hear from you soon, Phil.